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Meet Our Affiliates

Welcome to our community of Company Reads Affiliates! On this page, you will get to know our passionate team members, each bringing their unique voice and perspective to our mission. Explore their profiles to discover their favorite genres, personal reading interests, and specially curated book recommendations.

Meet Ashé !

My name is Ashé (Ah-Shay), or BlkLiterati if you’re a fellow bibliophile! It is such an honor and a very rewarding experience to feature Black authors and Black stories. Our voices deserve to be heard, and I’m delighted to assist and uplift in any capacity that is necessary.

Follow Ashé on Instagram @blkliterati_

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Meet Kristy!

Hey, y'all! I'm Kristy! I've been a reader of various genres my whole life but YA Fantasy has a special place in my heart *insert heart emoji* (followed closely by Psychological thrillers).

My all-time fave book, since I was a kid, is Holes. *loudly starts singing* "Dig it up, up on! DIG IT!"

Follow Kristy on TikTok @swagger_waggon and Instagram @swagger_waggon93

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Meet Jaleesa!

I’ve been an avid reader my entire life but over the past 10 years or so Romance, specifically Black Romance has definitely become my favorite. I have been branching out into other genres lately and it’s been a good time. I’m so glad to see so many Black authors telling Black stories and I want to read them all.

Follow Jaleesa on IG @jaleesareads and TikTok @jaleesareads

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